
最近在学习 JQuery和 HTML5动画 ,但是国内的这类视频实在太少了

国外资源丰富 多了,找到两个网站

TheNewBoston 和 JREAM




  1. 我也喜欢看英文教程,好多写的都比国内的书籍来的全面,而且浅显易懂,就怕你看不明白一样,反观国内的一些,好多都看的云里雾里的,当然这可能和我看的不多也有关系吧~

    1. 是的,即使有关键的某个词不懂,U2B自带转录音频成字幕的功能,查下就行

    2. “scientists have identified traits that seem to have belonged to a Praot-Urolic human group … Uralic speakers are a mix of … elements, but they also possess a small and varying component of this old Proto-Uralic group”. And of course this old Proto-Uralic group didn’t magically appear from nowhere. It’s more than likely it in turn was a product of an earlier mix of people. I would be extremely interested if anyone can nominate any human population that is not a product of mixing.

